Managing social networks and managing digital assets

What does memoresa do for me?

To ensure that all your profiles are recorded on the various platforms, memoresa supports you with a thorough inventory. Memoresa offers you the possibility to organize all social media platforms. It also records who is to be informed after your death. This process works without passwords, because your passwords should remain with you alone!

What happens to my data on Facebook & Co when I die?

Your surviving dependants entitled to an inheritance must take care of your digital data after your death. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. permanently store your traces when you are not active. If you don’t take appropriate precautions, your data will remain in digital nirvana for an indefinite period of time and may reappear uncontrolled in different places. There is also the danger of data misuse.

Abuse with my data after death?

To prevent your heirs from having to bear the emotional or financial consequences of data or identity theft, you should take precautions during your lifetime and determine how to deal with your social media accounts after your death.

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