Digital filing of wills: maximum security for your inheritance

It makes a lot of sense to settle one’s own estate in good time and, above all, with legal certainty. The effort does not have to be as great as many people assume, because you can certainly draw up your private will yourself. However, it is important that it is also available in case of an emergency.


Drawing up a will: not always a lawyer or notary necessary

It need not be great riches that make a will necessary. Rather, it is a matter of benefiting the people who are really important to you. For example, if you are not married but live with a partner, only an inheritance arrangement can provide security for what you have acquired together. On the other hand, you are free to bequeath certain valuables. As long as you do not want to make any complicated arrangements, you can also determine your inheritance yourself in a legally secure manner:

Write your private will handwritten but legible. Make sure to include the date, place and a clear title. Sign with your full name. Formulate your wills clearly, unambiguously and in detail. Keep the original in a safe place.
This is the only way to avoid misinterpretation and disputes between the surviving dependants. If you are not sure, it is best to consult a notary or a lawyer, who can also take over the deposit or arrange for it to be deposited at the local court.

Additional security: deposit a digital copy with memoresa

You are surely familiar with the many films in which the search for the valid last will of the testator leads to turbulent disputes between the potential heirs. Even if the situation is often overstated, it is not too far-fetched: What is the use of a sophisticated inheritance arrangement if it cannot be found? You can take precautions by depositing your estate with the local court, but you can also safely deposit your dispositions yourself. However, to achieve the greatest possible security, you should deposit a copy with memoresa – and with good reason.
Here you will find the digital structure that allows you to manage important documents, contracts and information effectively and easily. Since you can assign individual access rights for each matter, there is an interesting scope for you: Simply determine who will have access and insight during your lifetime – and who will be informed after your death. In this way, you can ensure that, in an emergency, all the people you name have access to the relevant matters. Often enough, bank accounts, insurance policies or other contracts are overlooked and the many accounts on the internet are forgotten.
Take the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the enormous potential of the memoresa app at your leisure – click here to register free of charge.

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